1.Blood Donation Camp
Voluntary Blood Donation is an activity of immense social importance. NSS HKBKGI organized a blood donation camp on 20th March 2023 in the College campus. The Blood Donation Camp was organized to inculcate concern and empathy for the society in the NSS volunteers. The event was organized in coordination with the authorities of Jeevaraksha Voluntary Blood Centre.
The Blood Donation Camp was inaugurated with the opening remarks of HKBKCE Principal.Faculty, students, staff members and 150 NSS volunteers of HKBKCE enthusiastically contributed to the blood donation drive and selflessly donated 198 units of blood. Students and faculty from other educational institutes also contributed enthusiastically in the voluntary blood donation drive. The camp concluded at 4 pm. with the closing remarks by Hon'ble Principal HKBKCE who praised the wholehearted efforts, enthusiasm, teamwork, devotion, and leadership skills of the NSS student volunteers and teachers and commended the administrative staff for the thorough arrangements. She also thanked the authorities of Jeevaraksha Voluntary Blood Centre for their cooperation and hard work. NSS, Major
Praised all donors and NSS volunteers who made the camp a success by selfless act of blood donation, promotion, and motivation.

2. 7 Days NSS Special Camp
NSS Unit of HKBK College if Engineering Organized Seven days NSS Special Camp for the Academic Year 2022-23 at Chokkanahalli,Bangalore this Seven days camp we have taken up some of the work which are listed out in pre camp survey by interacting with Head Mistress,Govt.Higher Primary School.Chokkanahalli,Bangalore North.We Conducted Below Listed Programmes.
Survey is done to identify the needs and problems of Chokkanahalli Village.
- Inauguration of NSS Specila Camp on 15th March 2023
- International Womens Day on 16th March 2023
- Cleaning programme under “Swachh Bharath Abhiyan on 17th March 2023
- Free Health Checkup camp by HEKA Hospital &Free Eye Chekup camp by Swetha Eye Clinic on 18th March 2023.
- Plantation Camp(100 plants planted)on 19th March 2023
- Blood Donation Camp in Association with Jeevaraksha Blood Bank on 20th March 2023
- Valedictory Function on 21st March 2023
College had Successfully Completed NSS Special Camp During 15th to 21st March 2023.

3.Free Health Checkup and Eye Checkup Camp
NSS unit of HKBK College of Engineering had organized a successful eye check up camp for about 200 members including staff and students on 18th March 2023. The report was instantly generated and shared with the participants and if required appointments were given for further treatment by specialized doctors at Dr. Swetha Eye Clinic. Optical voucher was also given to students and staff with a discount of 50% off on complete pair of eyeglasses or prescription sunglasses, Reference to Swetha Eye Clinic was given for surgery.
NSS eye check up camp helped to reduce the development of critical eye problems among the students at a later stage and understand the importance of preserving vision for life. Lecture was delivered on proper health care education and awareness regarding eye donation by NSS Programme officer Mr.Arshad Pasha.
NSS Unit of HKBK College of Engineering in collaboration with HEKA Hospital organized a Health Check-up Camp. Health Checkup camp was organized in HKBK College of Engineering Seminar Hall on 18th March, 2023. Such activities are a regular at the NSS as being actively involved with peopleis a prerequisite for a health care professional and the camp gave immense exposure to all our students who were an integral part of the camp. More than 150 students participate in this event.

4.Flood Relief Camp
All the NSS Volunteers of HKBK College of Engineering actively participated in the flood relief activities despite of all circumstances. Everyone took part in different activities like collection of materials, packing, loading, visiting relief camps, volunteering etc. Different committees were formed with immediate effect in order to make the flood relief campaign of our unit efficient. The timely coordination of the program officers made the volunteers inspired and motivated to do all those possible helps which they can do for the victims. One of the major relief activities took place in Ramnagar,Karnataka a highly populated place near our college. There were 2000 people in about 8 relief camps in different regions near the college. Team of six volunteers were assigned to each camp and enquire about the basic needs. Volunteers in the leadership of Pro. Mr Arshad Pasha (Program Officer) visited the camps in Ramnagar on 7th September 2022. Many more volunteers visited different camps in subsequent days and rendered their helping hands. Every volunteer was asked to donate the money which was to be given for the Onam celebration and the unit was able to collect a sum of 25,000 rupees from the volunteers. College Union also arranged many activities and donated all its fund for Onam celebrations to the Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund. Our unit handed over 10000 rupees to the college union for the same and rest of the fund was used for arranging basic necessities in relief camps.
5. Blood Stem Cell Donor
The National Service Scheme of HKBK College of Engineering in Collaboration with DKMS BMST Foundation India(NGO),Organised an Awareness Program on an Importance of Blood Stem Cell Donor Session at D Block Seminar hall on 30th January 2023.
The Guest for the Awareness Programme were Ms.Nandini Sarkar (Senior Associate DKMS BMST Foundation India (NGO),Mr.Prajeeth Sudakar (Deputy Associate)and Ms.Kruthika R (Associate Donor Recruitment).The Programme Started with a welcome speech by Ms.Ruman Siddiqa by welcoming all the guest,Pricipal,Teaching & Non Teaching and Students. The Guest addressed the Gathering by sharing their insight of cancer disease.The Awareness programme was about the importance and need of blood stem cell donor which could be the life saver for the needy people.they made aware about the eligibility criteria of being blood donor who can be the donor above the age 18to 50 years of age and above 50kg.they collected the sample for the registration with stem cell.more than 75 volunteers of NSS Participated in this mega event and registered their self along with faculty member for being the donor.
All the donors were Accompanied by the NSS Volunteers to the seminar hall and awarded for registering for blood stem cell donor and certificate for registering for blood stem cell donor for deleting blood cancer and saving lives.the functioning of the camp went great by the sincere and disciplined efforts of the volunteers.
6.Cleaning Programme Under Swachh Bharath Abhiyan
On 17th March 2023, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was conducted by Mr. Arshad Pasha National Service Scheme(NSS)Programme Officer at HKBK College of Engineering.
Participated in the cleanliness drive organised by the institution under the programme ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’.The programme began with the garlanding of the picture of Mahatma Gandhi. Students cleaned the campus and raised the slogan ‘One step towards cleanliness’. The campaign was launched by the Prime Minister NarendraModi.
The NSS volunteers participated in creating awareness among public, informing them about the importance of cleanliness. The students also took the initiative to clean the surroundings of vicinity.
The volunteers cleaned the entire campus wearing gloves and collected all the litter in big bags for disposal. The volunteers were instructed to clean their hands with soap at the end. Refreshments were distributed to volunteers.
We thank the Management, Staffs and Students for giving their valuable support to make the NSS activity a grand success
7.Women’s Day Celebration
One day Seminar on Psycho Social Wellbeing of youth & Gender Sensitization was Organized by college internal Committee –CICC&HKBKCE NSS Unit as a requisite towards Women’s day celebration 2023 in CSE Seminar Hall.This Programme was graced by students from all the departments HODs,Faculties and NSS Programme Officer Dr.S.Arshad Pasha,and Dr.Tabassum Ara,Principal,HKBK College of Engineering gave the presidential address and spoke on gender quality as a strategy which has great potential to create desired change because it has the capacity to address both the principal and strategic needs boys and girls of nations and the world at large.CICC Chairperson Prof.Khallikkunaisa Highlighted the need for a gender equality and psychological well being Dr.Subanshi,Founder CEO,Rare Minds &D.Vishnu Prasad,State Head Karnataka ICT Academy.Global Motivational Speakers spoke on gender quality.At the end session got into one to one interaction with students getting all there queries answered.
During Women’s Day Celebration we have honoured with Trophy and Cash Award for Girl Students, Achievers for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
8.Plantation Camp
Tree Plantation programme was organized at HKBK College of Engineering, through National Service Scheme Unit.
Tree Plantation programme was held in our college campus on 19th March 2023. The students of 1st year students actively participated in the programme. Principal, Dept HOD’s, faculty, NSS Volunteers, students are plant saplings in our college premises. Our faculty had also explained about the trees and the importance of tree plantation. At the end of programme there was a photo session with Principal, faculty and students.
9.Republic Day Celebration
India won freedom on the 15th of August, 1947 and became a Republic on 26th January, 1950. The new constitution of free India came in to force with effect from this day. It is a day of national rejoicing and red-letter day in our country. The day is celebrated with pomp and show, zeal, and spirit, throughout the length and breadth of the country.
With the same cause it was celebrated as the national festival in our institution "HKBK College of Engineering" the 74th Republic day celebration commenced at 9:00AM with a warm welcome by Dr. S Arshad Pasha the celebration started with the hoisting national flag by chief guest. Mr. C M FAIZ MOHAMMED, Director, HKBKGI, Dr. Tabassum Ara, Principal and Dr. S Arshad Pasha, NSS Programme Officer, HKBKCE along with patriotic and enthusiastic HKBK Family members.
Dr. Tabassum Ara, Principal Address the gathering and highlighted the importance of the constitution and its unique feature such a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic, and republic enshrined in the preamble of the constitution. The energetic and enthusiastic students of HKBK College paid their tribute to the martyrs by the grand parade and salute.
The speech was followed by the National Anthem, various other representations of the classical art forms in the different dances and songs performed by the students, giving a glimpse of the diversity in unity of the nation and the guard of honor. The programme ended with the message to create a great nation through collective efforts from all individuals. This programme was entirely organised by NSS Unit of HKBK College of Engineering followed by Sweet Distribution for all the students and staff.
For celebration of 74th Republic day more than 210 student volunteers and 142 staff were Present.
10.Independance Day
India won freedom on the 15th of August, 1947 and became a Republic on 26th January, 1950. The new constitution of free India came in to force with effect from this day. It is a day of national rejoicing and red-letter day in our country. The day is celebrated with pomp and show, zeal, and spirit, throughout the length and breadth of the country.
With the same cause it was celebrated as the national festival in our institution "HKBK College of Engineering" the 75th Independence Day celebration under NSS Unit commenced at 9:00AM with a warm welcome by Dr. S Arshad Pasha the celebration started with the hoisting national flag by chief guest. Mr. C M FAIZ MOHAMMED, Director, HKBKGI, Dr. Tabassum Ara, Principal and Dr. S Arshad Pasha, NSS Programme Officer, HKBKCE along with patriotic and enthusiastic HKBK Family members. The winners of Rangoli and Floor Decoration Competitions "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" held on 13th August, 2022 for staff and students will be awarded.
Dr. Tabassum Ara, Principal Address the gathering and highlighted the importance of the constitution and its unique feature such a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic, and republic enshrined in the preamble of the constitution. The energetic and enthusiastic students of
HKBK College paid their tribute to the martyrs by the grand parade and salute.
The speech was followed by the National Anthem, various other representations of the classical art forms in the different dances and songs performed by the students, giving a Eimpse of the diversity in unity of the nation and the guard of honor. The armanded with the message ersity eate a great nation through collective efforts from all individuals. This
Programme was entirely organised by NSS Unit of HKBK College of Engineering.